Strengthening capacity building to unlock climate and transition finance at scale. We work to streamline access, improve availability and enhance effectiveness of climate capacity building and technical assistance, with a focus on emerging markets and developing economies.
Founding members ( ), observers (----) and supporting members (-) of the Coalition Include:
Launch of the Global Capacity Building Coalition at COP28 in Dubai on December 1, 2023
To reach the investment needed for sustainable and prosperous economies in EMDEs, the mobilization of domestic private capital is critical, along with continued scaling of international private, public, and concessional finance. The Global Capacity Building Coalition will support financial institutions to seize the opportunities and manage the risks of the transition to net zero economies with affordable and accessible energy for all.
The Coalition brings together some of the world’s leading climate finance organizations to enhance collaboration and respond to growing requests for capacity building support from financial institutions in EMDEs, in line with the sustainable development and finance goals of the UN and the G20.
Learn More HereExplore some of the world’s best learning resources on climate, finance, and sustainability across a range of priority topics.
The Global Capacity Building Coalition is led by an unprecedented selection of some of the leaders and experts across the United Nations and UN-affiliated agencies, multilateral development banks (MDBs) such as the World Bank, standard setters and regulators, philanthropies, and private finance – as well as other important stakeholders. The Coalition marks the first time such a broad group of leading actors in sustainable finance capacity building have come together to work collaboratively to extend and enhance their support for EMDEs.
Mary L. Schapiro, former SEC Chairman, Chair of the Climate Data Steering Committee and Vice Chair of GFANZ, serves as Chair of the Global Capacity Building Coalition.